Music City Mystique - Annual Giving 2024 - 2025

Your donation will help MCM continue to provide an unparalleled world-class experience for its members, staff, and fans. 

Whether you are alumni, family, or fan, you know that MCM always brings something special to its endeavors.  Please help us today to continue providing our best to our community.

Gold Level: $1,000 donation

  • Gold Level donors will receive MCM swag and have their name added to our new truck as a Gold Level Sponsor.

  • Recognition on MCM website and social media

Silver Level: $500 donation

  • Silver Level donors will receive MCM swag.

  • Recognition on MCM website and social media.

Bronze Level: $250 donation

  • Bronze Level donors will receive MCM swag.

  • Recognition on MCM website and social media.

Or any other amount you prefer.

Your support is integrated at every level of our organization, including reducing membership dues, transportation, food, and all the additional costs of the MCM season.

MCM Productions is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of US law. To claim a deduction, please keep the email donation receipt for your records.


McM Tax Exemption Certificate

McM 501c3 Acceptance Letter